
I invite you to pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and arrive.

You have entered The Sacred Pause Substack, and I am so happy to have you here.

My name is Heather and I created The Sacred Pause as a place to share and document what I notice in life when I find the courage to slow down.

This Substack delivers articles, essays, poetic musings, somatic practices + more… all around the theme of exploring what it means to heal through learning how to slow down + tune in. By learning how to take a Sacred Pause, and over time, embody The Sacred Pause as a lifestyle.

As someone who has worked in the wellness industry for 10+ years and a practicing Certified Clinical Herbalist + Nutritionist, herbalism, plant life, and the natural world are some of my biggest sources of inspiration and a solid part of the foundation of what I will share with you in The Sacred Pause Substack.

However, herbs alone are not the answer.

What I’ve discovered in my own practice as an herbalist is that the real “magic” behind herbalism lies in the integration. The big life shifts start to happen when we commit to building a relationship with the natural world in tandem with building a relationship with ourselves + our health as a whole.

When I unearthed this simple truth, I readapted my practice from “clinical” to holistic.

The Sacred Pause weaves together the magic + knowledge of herbalism with psychology, somatic movement, philosophy, anthropology, and more… to help us unearth the true roots of “wellness”.

All by slowing down and tuning in.

By learning how to pause within the chaos of our lives.

And by embracing the paradox that when we take small, devoted amounts of time to pause with intention, we actually give ourselves more time in the long run.

Life is meant to be savored.

Let The Sacred Pause be your invitation to begin again.

It’s an honor to share my life’s work with you on this platform and I hope it inspires you and transforms your health in big + beautiful ways, just like it has for me in my own life.

Why subscribe?

As a paid subscriber, you will receive:

  • Access to ALL herb profiles, articles, poetic musings, recipes, somatic practices + more...all exploring what it means to heal + unearthing the roots of wellness by learning how to slow down + tune in.

  • 1 annual complimentary call with me (held privately over Zoom) where we can share, discuss, connect, and continue (or begin) the practice of embodying The Sacred Pause in our daily lives, together (for Founding Members only).

  • Weekly Q & A - submit any questions you have about the herbs, practices, recipes, and articles you read in The Sacred Pause Substack and have them answered weekly by me (and shared anonymously with paid subscribers).

  • Continued inspiration, personal accountability, wisdom, and guidance to help you regulate + restore.

  • My undying love + gratitude for your support.

When you subscribe, you get full access to all content within The Sacred Pause + you help support the continuation of my life’s work.

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Memoirs on life that lives in the liminal space, what it really means to “heal”, and what you notice when you find the courage to slow down. Written + curated by anthropologist, holistic herbalist, and human, Heather Saba.


anthropologist, herbalist, writer, human